Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Traveling With Controlled Substances

Where do I start?  2009 is an infant at this stage, and I'm already understanding just how much of a bitch she's gonna grow up to be.  Don't get me wrong.  As hard as it seems now, most of it is probably going to be worthwhile.  
On my to-do list this year:  Graduate from University, find a good masters program, figure out how to pay for it, get a divorce, travel to far off places, make bicycles go fast while I'm there, enjoy my friends, write until the keys on my computer beg for mercy, ride on two wheels, get the hell out of the south, make lemonade from lemons...  You get it.
Funny enough, I'm most preoccupied with traveling with controlled substances.  See, as a race mechanic I'm expected to have all the glue and lubricant my team needs.  The MSDSs say air travel in certain quantities is ok, but it still makes flying a bit of a pucker.  And all the class acts in blue shirts at the airport don't offer much help on the matter.  So, that's a project for this spring.  Figuring it all out.  And maybe there is a lesson in there somewhere:  Figuring out how to not let your team down while you watch your own ass.
Over and out


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's always great to read what comes from your smashed lemons. Don't forget, all great things come from frustration and change.

  3. New adventures...
    Interesting photo you have there...
    You'll land on your feet...
    Don't give up black shirts for post-event travel...
    Greek men wear sweaters at the beach...

  4. Nice blog jeff! Keep making lemonade! Nice to hear more from the biker, professional race mechanic!

  5. We fooled TSA by spray painting our (empty) fuel bottle green when flying with camping gear. Can you paint "Colgate" on your tube of grease? Or put your chain lube in an embarrassing medication bottle of some kind? That'll teach 'em. Just don't get your toiletries mixed up with your tools...
