Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the cabin, the chilly cabin, the poet drinks tonight. Wheeeee-eee-eee-eee eee-Um, um, oh wait...

I'm not really contemplating the Serengeti. I am actually writing, though. I've been pretty productive on the that front. Sadly, the poetry that I'm producing neither counts for class credit nor makes me any cash. Despite that, I'm pretty proud of some of it.

And I'm making nice with the local wild and domestic denizens. The wild tend to reveal themselves by sound alone at night. The domestic howl and cluck and stand in the middle of the road at the apex of blind corners. My favorite so far is the donkey I call Ed. Ed lives on a farm on my drive in. He's good for a laugh in the morning with his stumpy legs and two-foot-long ears.

This is my jungle.


  1. Awh! Say hi to Ed for me! I love farm friends.

  2. one man's jungle is another's paradise... or in your case perhaps one and the same - waxing envious off and on today after your email mention of no internet at the cabin... not enough to cancel my Northland account, mind you, but envious nonetheless - breathe in some jungle air for me Jefe!

  3. Sounds exciting! What a treat to stay in a little cabin in the woods and have the more wild folk as neighbors! Ssy hi to Ed and have a laugh for me!
