Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Anyone Got Their Ears On?

Update since last time:
-I'm working with Specialized Factory Racing--primarily the new tri program--and a little for ITU's awesome sport development program. I get to fly and drive all over the country and world and play with bikes. Flying still sucks, but at the end of the day I love my job and get to work with cool people. Part of the Specialized gig involves getting a class A driving license so I can drive the team truck. One of the unspoken requirements for the class A in America is a CB handle. Got to admit, I'm stumped. Any suggestions?
-Portland is cool. I eat slightly too much good food and drink slightly too much good beer. But I do it in great company. There is also gardening, duck raising, and sweet, sweet moto riding...
Stuff's going pretty good so far.


  1. Hey, your dad thought, "Graduate, what's your 20" sounds pretty good.

  2. Hi Jeff,

    Nice to hear from's been a long time.


  3. Graduate sounds good, but the truckerest word that I keep in my toolbox is definitely Chainbreaker

  4. what's wrong with DirtyBoots? I've been off-blogs for a while - too busy in Paree! but I'll be back online (on the fun stuff that is) again now pretty much - glad to hear you're well and happy Jefe!
