Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Television is Worthless, Noisy, Inane Bullshit

It has always been a suspicion of mine. Now, it's been a few weeks that I've been in a "TV Household." I've objectively done my time with the box and it has become incontestable: Repeat title here.
I'm sorry to offend anyone who may live inside the world of television. Nothing personal and I'll keep this post short. Take the time saved as an opportunity to unplug and go for a walk or just enjoy the quiet. There's a whole world out here that misses you.


  1. What a timely post considering next week is TV Turnoff Week. There are so many other options like reading a book or magazine, listening to the radio or an audio book, or taking on that project you've always been meaning to get done. Well what are you waiting for? Get er' done.

  2. hear hear - have just resurfaced after my latest hulu binge - various theories as to why I do that periodically - something in me needs it for some reason I guess, but it always feels good to get back to reality and the newfound quiet calm of the house is palpable. At least I'm _somewhat_ discriminating with hulu - haven't had real TV/cable since 2002 and have never missed it a bit - in fact as more and more reality schlock gets on the air and I hear about it I'm more and more glad not to only be using my TV as DVD access.

  3. Diddo! I'm sure glad I didn't take to the TV growing up and that we never had cable. There's so much ourselves to discover in the world out there...time that could be much better spent. Some of the richest human qualities (creativity, imagination, inspiration, ingenuity)are slowly becoming lost and forgotten due to things like "the box." And the world is thirsty for those things that are becoming more rare.

  4. It's BEYOND worthless. It's utterly mindless dreck.

    All I see is dumb people. And THIS is why.
