Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Immortal Moment

I saw a documentary that came through town as part of the Southern Circuit series. It is called "A Man Named Pearl."  Such a good little piece about a man who has reached a sort of national cult status doing topiary in his yard.  It seems most of the movie is interviews of his friends and neighbors, placed in his garden as Pearl is riding his lawn mower around in the background. Pearl on his mower going left, going right, dragging ladders, trailers.  The point is, the man never stops.  He's always doing something.  In motion.  Creating.  
Well, I thought I might like to visit his garden some day, so I looked it up on Google Maps.  I popped down to street view and what did I see?  Right there, as I looked around the neighborhood, was old Pearl Fryar putt-putting past on his mower dragging a ladder behind him.  It made me happy to think that his moment of creativity is forever inscribed on a virtual walk down the street that any of us can take.  I hope you all take a walk past 165 Broad Acres in Bishopville South Carolina some day.  Check out the Dr Seuss trees and wave at Pearl on the way by.


  1. Very cool - he's like a really artistic yardwork shark (you know, the keep moving or perish thing...) anyway I saw the announcement for the film and immed. realized No Time! but I'm glad to have your fun description here - thanks for helping us enjoy it vicariously Jefe.

  2. ps googlemaps streetview is da bomb! I put all our Paris addresses on a gmap and the students are having a blast looking around their future neighborhoods - technology rocks!

  3. Yes, it is nice to know that creativity, of some sort, somewhere is going on at this very moment...even if we can't be in that creative moment, we can, at some level witness it and feel like maybe we're a part of it. It's good inspiration, none-the-less....and it's good to notice...
